Friday, June 1, 2012

cancel subscription on paypal

Cancelling Individual Subscriptions
You can cancel a subscription by going to the Subscription Details page.
Go to the History subtab of the My Account tab, choose the Subscriptions field from the Show drop-down menu, and click the Submit button. Click on the link in the Status column to view the Subscription Details, and click the Cancel button on the Subscription Details page.
Alice logs in to her PayPal account, and clicks on the Active link in the Status column for the subscription she wishes to cancel.
You can also get to the Subscription Details page by clicking on the In reference to link in the Transaction Details for any subscription payments you receive.
To cancel this subscription, Alice can click the Cancel Subscription button and follow the on-screen instructions.
The Subscription is now listed as Cancelled in Alice’s transaction history
Your subscribers can cancel their subscriptions by following the same steps. In addition, if you choose to add a Cancel Subscription button to your website, your subscribers may press it to cancel their subscriptions. A subscription may be cancelled up until the day of the next scheduled payment. If a subscriber attempts to cancel before payment is sent on the day of a scheduled payment, the payment will not be made.
Cancelling Multiple Subscriptions At Once
If you cancel an email address which has several subscriptions, all of the subscriptions will be cancelled.
To cancel a group of subscribers, go to the History subtab of the My Account tab, choose the Subscriptions field from the Show drop-down menu, and click the Submit button. Click on the link in the Status column to view the Subscription Details of one of your active subscribers. Click the Cancel Several Subscribers link at the bottom of the Subscription Details page to open the Mass Subscription Cancellation page.
To cancel several subscribers, you will need to upload a simple text file containing your subscribers’ email addresses (one email per line). Once your file has been read, confirm that we found the correct number of email addresses, and click the Cancel Subscriptions button.
To view the details of your Mass Subscription Cancellation, go to your history and click on the Status of the Mass Subscription Cancellation entry.
It may take up to one hour to process your cancellation.
Your mass subscription cancellation log may contain the following terms:
Total Emails: Number of email addresses uploaded from your file.
Emails Matched: Number of email addresses that matched an active subscription. These active subscriptions were then cancelled. Please note that if any email address had more than one active subscription, all of the subscriptions were cancelled.
Emails Not Matched: Number of email addresses that did not match with an active subscription. If the subscription was already completed or cancelled, it will be counted as “Not Matched.”
Successful Cancellations: Total number of subscriptions cancelled. Please note that this number may be higher than the number of emails matched if any email address had more than one active subscription.
For more details about your Mass Subscription Cancellation, click the View Details button on the Transaction Details page. You will be prompted to download a file containing more information.
Your downloaded mass subscription cancellation log may contain the following terms:
Email Address: Email of subscriber
Success: The subscription was successfully cancelled
Failed: The subscription was not cancelled. Failure reasons include:
Already cancelled
Already completed: The subscription was completed prior to the cancellation
Failed: General failure code
No Match: The email address did not match any of your subscriptions
Subscription ID: Unique ID for the subscription
Date Processed: Cancellation date

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